“After all this work, everything we have said and done, if I am being honest today I am asking... what’s in it for me?”
In a much needed heartfelt episode, Zac and Chad open up about one of the most internal and real struggles of what it means to do youth ministry and how the nagging question of purpose can get us down.
So here are 3 life-giving reminders for when youth ministry has got you down.
Look With Wonder
Every day, cultivate an attentiveness to what God is doing. Listen enough to hear and watch closely enough to see with care. Open yourself up to a willingness to be surprised at what God might do in places and in people from whom you expected little.
It might do some good to allow yourself have your expectations defied. Take it from some guys who have always tried to have a plan for God's work all mapped out, God's surprises are better than our plans.
Cherish The Small
Remember friend, ministry work is not like other work. What you did today is not what you will always do. The catch of ministry is that I’m doing this work to see God move in someone else’s life, but we need to start seeing God’s work first in us.
Remember The Call
Don't just reminiscence! Memory-walk the places that God has moved you from and to. The cities, states, camps, events, homes, and through the relationships of working with students, families, pastors, and peoples.
Your vocation to serve is not simply tied up with a place or people but rather reflects the journey of your own faith growing here for awhile, there for longer, but hopefully always faithful to the call that has been placed upon you.
And return your mind to these two questions.
- Who has called you?
- And What Have They Called You To Do?
“Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And entrust what you heard me say in the presence of many others as witnesses to faithful people who will be competent to teach others as well.”
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