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mission trip

After 9 Interviews MMA Fighter Justin Wren From Water 4 & Fight For the Forgotten

After 9 Interviews MMA Fighter Justin Wren From Water 4 & Fight For the Forgotten

In a special episode of After 9 Zac sits down with MMA fighter and missionary Justin Wren to talk about his work in the Congo and his fight to end the water crisis in Africa. Even though Justin is not a youth minister in the tradition sense his work with young people and sense of vocation are inspiring to those who work with young people. Enjoy Justin's warmth, story, and renewed purpose.

Pocket Change: Your Students Are Watching You

Pocket Change: Your Students Are Watching You

Can you remember the first time you saw real poverty?

I grew up in a small town in the mountains of northeast Tennessee—a place where real poverty definitely exists, but a place where it was uncommon to find homeless people out on the streets.  As a matter of fact, you don’t really find anybody out wandering our streets back home. That’s why my first experience seeing homeless men on the street in downtown Atlanta really messed with me...